Mother embracing adult son

Book cover
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Im looking for beautiful, artistic and intimate images of mothers embracing their adult sons for use on a book cover of essays by men about their mothers.

The mother could be elderly or middle aged: as long as the son she is embracing is an adult.

feel free to be as artistic as you want: close-cropped details, dramatic lighting, artistic filters are all encouraged. Im looking for a stunning, iconic, lush and moving portrait of an adult mother and son embracing.

The image can be filtered, muted, colour, or black and white. Think intimacy, love, and connection.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Conceptual Families Lifestyle Miscellaneous People
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - @Jeffrey Simpson: Great shot well deserved
9 years ago - Thank you so much Duncan. Please let me know if I can help you on future projects.
9 years ago - It's not looking good to have this shot done by the 1st. I would really love to do this for you. My mom will be here on the 6th. I can definitely have it done that day. Please let me know. Thank you so much Duncan. @ @duncan_noel
9 years ago - Great I'm shooting in the morning tomorrow. I will ad the shot tomorrow evening. Thanks Duncan.
9 years ago - @Jeffrey Simpson--Awesome! Im looking forward to the revised shoot!
9 years ago - Sorry I missed these comments. What's the time frame for you. I'm sure I could reshoot it. Thank you so much. @Duncan Noel Campbell
9 years ago - Sorry I missed these comments. What's the time frame for you. I'm sure I could reshoot it. Thank you so much. Duncan.
9 years ago - @Jeffrey Simpson However, because the book is about Mennonite men writing about their mothers, the nail polish and tattoo on the models doesn't quite work. Would it be possible to reshoot the image without the nail polish and tattoo? All the best, Duncan
9 years ago - @Jeffrey Simpson I love the image you submitted for this request: while it's not exactly what I'd asked for it captures the essence of the request perfectly...
9 years ago - @Jeffrey Simpson I love the image you submitted for this request: while it's not exactly what I'd asked for it captures the essence of the request perfectly. I like it so much I'd like to use it for the book cover....
9 years ago - @Jeffrey Simpson I love the image you submitted for this request: while it's not exactly what I'd asked for it captures the essence of the request perfectly. I like it so much I'd like to use it for the book cover. ...
9 years ago - @duncan Noel Campbell: got back from Barcelona and just managed to make some entries for you, did not want to miss it
9 years ago - Cool... Thanks Duncan
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination Duncan.
9 years ago - Many thanks for the nomination! 😊
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thanks for the invite Duncan!
9 years ago - Thank you for the invite!
9 years ago - Thanl you for the invitation!!
9 years ago - Thank you for the invite. I will bounce around some ideas. Thank you Duncan
9 years ago - Thanks for the invitation!
9 years ago - @ Duncan Noel Campbell thanks for the invite I am currently in Barcelona, and will try to get something for you just went away today and hope I will get back in time, I hope so love submitting work for your requests.
9 years ago - Thank you for the request! I'll do my best to give you what you're looking for
9 years ago - Duncan, thank you so much for your consideration in choosing me to fulfill your request! I am currently working on a few ideas and will submit my work shortly!