Online shopping in lingerie or underwear (Update)

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Need images of a woman or man suitable for a homepage slideshow for new website ''.

(Update) Photos not too 'staged'! Images can be of a man or woman and please have them shopping on a laptop/computer/ipad while lying/reclining/lounging in their underwear or lingerie.

Photos can imply tasteful nudity (MUST be DISCREET - no Porn) needed. Website will sell classy 'Adult' products. The design of the site will be a "classy & elegant" design (unlike most of adult shopping sites!).

This is NOT a porn site and images must be discreet AND elegant while portraying the imagery of shopping for sexy adult products online. Model permission required and we will require a signed release.

Subject can be female, male or both. We are an award winning web company seeking decent photos for a range of new websites - starting with this one. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any queries...

Miscellaneous People Technology
Inspirational Images

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10 years ago - This has been updated to emphasize that women or men should be shopping on a laptop/computer/ipad while lounging in underwear or lingerie. Not too staged please!