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5630x3388 px | 18.8"x11.3" @ 300dpi


Automobile, Vehicle, Transportation, Human, Person, Motorcycle, Road, Wheel, Machine, Restaurant, Tarmac, Asphalt, Cafe, Building, Urban, Town, City, Neighborhood, Street, Cafeteria, Housing, Tire, Bicycle, Bike, Meal, Food, Zebra Crossing, Furniture, Nature, Rural, Countryside, Outdoors, Shelter, View, Travel, Summer, day, Outdoor, Mountain, Landscape, Village, Scenic, Tourism, Cityscape, Landmark, Famous, Panoramic, Europe, Greek, Greece, Rocks, Cliff, Meteora, Kalambaka, Thessaly, Heritage, Old, Historic, Attraction, Destination, Hotel, Unesco, Trikala, pilgrimage, monastery, restaurant, village, Valley, Kastraki, Touristic, foot of the mountains, place, editorial, europe, gathering, outdoor, force, heap, summer, house, community, writing style, united nations educational scientific and cultural organization, religious residence, nonfiction, greece, prose, dwelling, settlement, landscape, thessalia, twenty-four hours, practice, landmass, end, bird's-eye, district, balkan country, travel, destination, vicinity, attraction, outside, european country, pile, residence, scenery, indo-european, finish, season, hotel, famous, historic, celebrated, united nations agency, cityscape, valley, tourism, cliff, building, commerce, stone, transaction, small town, column, scenic, famed, batch, greek, journey, mass, historical, rock, landmark, piece, housing, perspective


Kalambaka, Greece - 07.04.2018. Town of Kalambaka and view of the mountains of Meteora, a municipality in the Trikala, Greece

  • ID: 5cb195d5c7678284c9d01f8f
  • Original Size: 5630 x 3388px
  • Original File Size: 14.79 MB
  • Subscription: Available
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  • Upload Date: April 13, 2019
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