Outdoors, Sky, Sunlight, Dusk, Sunset, Red Sky, Dawn, Sunrise, Water, Transportation, Vehicle, Boat, Waterfront, Sea, Ocean, Pier, Dock, Port, Vessel, Watercraft, Cloud, Thessaloniki port sunset, Thessaloniki golden hour, port cranes sunset, thessaloniki waterfront, thessalonika coastline, Greek port sundown, Thessalonica seafront, balcans, balkans, city, coast, greek, harbor, horizon, landscape, macedonia, makedonia, orange, outdoors, pier, port crane, romantic, salonica port sunset, salonika, saloniki, sea level, seafront, shore, sightseeing, sky, sun, sunlight, sunset, surface, tourism, travel, vacation, waterfront, aquatic, cranes, architecture, european, greece, hellenic, holiday, international, macedonian, mediterranean, thermaic gulf, thermaicos, thessaloniki, sensory activity, balto-slavic, metropolis, city district, seashore, sundown, sea, grus, range, seaport, constellation, time off, district, balkan country, vicinity, port, platform, outside, european country, idealist, economy, scenery, indo-european, slavic, managed economy, urban area, visionary, leisure, plant, Greek, urban center, building, look, light, non-market economy, person, socialism, sensing
Thessaloniki, Greece golden hour sunset landscape at the city port with tourist ship sailing. Orange sunset above low-rise port & city buildings, with unidentified crowd along the old waterfront area.