Appliance, Furniture, Drawer, Cat, Mammal, Pet, Animal, Electronics, Text, address, apartment, architecture, background, box, building, business, cars, communication, condo, correspondence, covid-19, delivery, design, envelope, gray, interior, key, letter, letterbox, letters, lock, lockdown, locker, mail, mail-box, mailbox, mailboxes, many, metal, modern, number, open, paper, parking, post, postage, postal, postbox, residence, residential, room, row, security, send, texture, urban, wall, wood, code, dwelling, facility, taste, text, motor vehicle, characteristic, culture, coding system, business activity, recovery, undertaking, automobile, housing, edifice, fastener, writing, outside, condominium, wheeled vehicle, vehicle, safety, compartment, medium, imprisonment, rescue, auto, symbol, agreement, cabinet, maildrop, confinement, press, compatibility, berth, document, car, inside, drop, grey, print media, work, person, token, magnitude, outdoors, newspaper
Letter boxes of condominiums in the city. Shallow depth of field.