
Book Jacket
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Merriam-Webster defines Trancendence as: exceeding usual limits : surpassing, extending, or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience. In Kantian philosophy it means; being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge.
I want you to capure the essense transcendence in the photos submitted. Something amazing, extraordinary, even magnificent. Hopefully I will choose your photo for the cover of this epic saga.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Paid Post to Instagram :
Abstract Adventure Fine Art Portraiture Social Issues Technology
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

7 years ago - omg thanks a lot !!!
7 years ago - Thank you for the nominations, for all a great weekend!-)
7 years ago - I was curious about filters as not being encouraged but see some using them getting nominated and or purchased?
7 years ago - Thank you so much!! ;)
7 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations 😊
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination and consideration
7 years ago - Thank you greatly for the nomination!
7 years ago - Thank you for the new nomination!!!!!
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination.
7 years ago - Mahalo for the nomination. It is an honor to be selected amongst such talented artists 😊😊😊
7 years ago - Mahalo Goethe nomination! I am honored
7 years ago - Thank you for nominating me!
7 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination! There is a lot of really talented photographers here, it made my day!
7 years ago - Thanks for the nomination, I truly appreciate that!!
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
7 years ago - Thanks for the nominations!!!:)
7 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!!! 🤗 Im so happy, i loved this challenge,there where lots of great beautiful photos. I'm proud to be among the Elite .
7 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!!!
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
7 years ago - Thank you so very much for the nomination!!
7 years ago - Thank you fir the nomination!
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination.
7 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!!!!
7 years ago - Wow! What a challenge! Amazing photos!
7 years ago - only one nomination till now..seems Phillip is not interested..??
7 years ago - how to submit the photos
7 years ago - Creative and fun Challenge so let's get some nominations going! Lots of great photos here!
7 years ago - pascri
7 years ago - hi all
7 years ago - Thank you all for the likes, you guys are the best!
7 years ago - 7 likes already thanks everyone!
7 years ago - Great creative challenge!! Thanks!! 🌎
7 years ago - A good challange ........!
7 years ago - Hopefully one of my captures swill transcend for this challenge!!
7 years ago - I love this challenge and there are some excellent photographs here!
7 years ago - are my submitted captures good.
7 years ago - What an inspiring challenge and the submissions are phenomenal to view! Good luck to everyone and I'm hoping to get nominated too.
7 years ago - hello
7 years ago - Interesting challenge! Hoping to get nominated! I've been working hard on my pictures, I pray mine is enough. Thank you
7 years ago - It's ok,I figured it out about the orientation.
7 years ago - What is the orientation for this submission? It says any but all my different orientations are being rejected !
7 years ago - Is it possible to know what the book is about? A quick synopsis so as to better understand what might communicate your story.