Plants and Seedlings

SeedlingsCo Website
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Yes there was a challenge almost exactly like this one not too long ago. That was hosted by my friend she was going to by a photo for me, but due to the over whelming amount of photos of flowers we had to make a new one. This time I am going to by my own photo for my website.
I would like the perfect picture to have a strawberry plant, tomato plant, cucumber plant, basil, dill, cilantro,potatoes, mainly any herbs or fruits or vegetables. And any of the fruits or flowers of the plants I just said.
It should have good lighting
No recognizable buildings or people in the background
Make sure you look in the comments for any answered questions or suggestions I forgot to add.
If I really like your picture it might be less than $25 due to the fact I am traveling across the US at the moment.

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Agriculture Home and Garden Nature Plants
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

9 years ago - Who won?
9 years ago - @Megan Sharp Hi I have upload photos of tiny garden strawberry and raspberry before the challenge close
9 years ago - thanks for the nomination
9 years ago - Glad you "liked" my photo! :)
9 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
9 years ago - Thanks for the nominations! ๐Ÿ˜„
9 years ago - Thx for the nomination:D
9 years ago - Thank you Megan for the nomination. I hope you find what you're looking for.
9 years ago - thx Megan for the nomi @๎–
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nominations!
9 years ago - Dear whoever was wondering why I liked one of their pictures but not nominated. When I nominated some photos today I didn't get to nominate all the photos I wanted to. I will nominate the rest now.
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination Megan! I resubmitted a few different photos, hopefully they are more in line with what you need.
9 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!!!
9 years ago - Megan, Thank you so much for the nominations, I hope your trip is/was good and less problems along the way :-)
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nominations!!
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination!
9 years ago - Thank you Megan!! You gave me 300 points, whoop whoop ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽˆ
9 years ago - Thank you very much!
9 years ago - Sorry to bother you again, but just happened to notice that you have nominated some photos but not the one you liked of mine. I would really like to be able to re-shoot to get a better photo for you as o would love to help out. Please let me know or check out my photo again. Thank you.
9 years ago - Cheers Megan for the noms :)
9 years ago - Thank you !
9 years ago - Thank Megan for liking my strawberry plant photo and following me. Hope to get at least a nomination: )
9 years ago - And i mean, nominate
9 years ago - @megan, i dont care how much you pay, if you choose my picture, thats enough for me๐Ÿ˜Š i will be very happy
9 years ago - Megan, Thank you. MEM
9 years ago - Okay. Great. Thank you.
9 years ago - @MEM I took a look at your other picture. It's looks great!
9 years ago - @Julianna I'm going to hopefully purchase one. But it will be a while because my family's travel trailer's two tires blew out in Wyoming somewhere.
9 years ago - @adc8500 I can't nominate photos on my phone. When I get to where I can get on my laptop I will nominate most of the photos I liked. When I like them I'm leaving a reminder for myself to nominate certain photos.
9 years ago - Megan, Thank you for liking my photo,I also have a mix of cilantro and basil, plus chives and mint, if you care to look. ( or raspberry flowers not put in ) Again thank you and good luck finding :-)
9 years ago - @Megan Sharp I saw that you liked one of my submission but didn't nominate it. I was just wondering if you could let me know what was wrong with it so I could re-shoot to get a better photo for you. Thanks.
9 years ago - @Megan Sharp - how many pictures are you looking to purchase?
9 years ago - Keep up the good work!
9 years ago - You guys are doing great! I see so many great photos. It's going to be hard to pick just one! Also, as a heads up, I don't think I will be able to pay the full price if the photo within 30 days. Due to the fact that I am currently traveling.
9 years ago - I have also 3 carrots on picture, but my limed is reach๐Ÿ˜‚
9 years ago - I Will shoot today ๐Ÿ˜Š
9 years ago - Thank you for the nominations!
9 years ago - Hey I may have found what you are looking for, hope my new submission please you :)
9 years ago - Thank you for the encouragement Megan! :)
9 years ago - ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
9 years ago - *on
9 years ago - Thank you so much for the amazing photos less than an hour of posting this request. The photos that I heart/like have about a 90% chance of being nominated later one