Banner for Baby/Toddler Website

Safety Baby - Home page banner
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

Looking for a photo to be placed on a website design around baby products. Must have room for text to be placed. Looking for dimensions of 940x 260

Check out these websites for ideas:

Here are some links to some inspiration images:

Additional Requirements
Orientation :
Environment :
Lighting :
Space For Copy :
Model Release :
Required (if applicable)
Families Home Kids

Messages posted by users

8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
8 years ago - @hollywood209 Hi Marcos, I just submitted other banner, let me know if you need something particular.
8 years ago - I can send a photo with new dimensions through @Snapwire if needed.
8 years ago - Thank you @ Marcos Ortega!
8 years ago - thanks for the nominations, I'll try to submit more but I would to know more details such as age and setting thx
8 years ago - Hello and thanks for nominating my picture
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!
8 years ago - Thank you for the nominations (:
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!
8 years ago - Thanks for the nomination 🙏🏻
8 years ago - @KristenBruley hi
8 years ago - Thank you for your uploads. I understand Snapwire doesn't allow the "panorama" image we desire to be uploaded. However, please take photos that can be crop to our desired size so that modifications can be made. I appreciate your understanding.
8 years ago - @ Marcos ,hi Seems like there is no possibility to submit the size as you trying to submit some with smallest size.thank you
8 years ago - @hollywood209 There is no possibility to submit the size requested to crop will be necessary. Could we also have more details such as age, scenario.... Thx
8 years ago - Also, when I tweaked the sizing, so that it was slightly bigger, the upload manager recognised it as 'panorama' rather than 'landscape' and wouldn't let me upload.
8 years ago - I have a few and have made them the size you want, however Snapwire will only let me upload photos that are at least 800x800…. Is there a way around this? All of mine are the dimensions that you have asked for.
8 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! I provided full image for cropping as you see fit
8 years ago - Please note that the required image needs to be 940x260 pixels