People using a computer

a SAAS company
Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

We want a photo for our homepage of people at a office (marketing agency) using a computer. See example image.

We are looking for am image of people at work in an office. The image should be shot from behind the subject, at a slight angle. (Please see attached example image).

The image must be shot in an office type environment.

Please do not add filters to your images as we will simply darken it to place it in the background. See the original versus the homepage.

What you see in the sample image is almost exactly what we want. This photo is not ours so we cannot use it.

Closed because I could not find the right visual for this project

Business Corporate Technology
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Closed because I could not find the right photo for the project.
10 years ago - We need a photo that is just like the one in the sample. I want the same angle and taken in an office environment.