Hobbies and Pastimes

Buyer review complete, Marketplace review

This challenge is about Hobbies and Pastimes. The best photo gets $100, and the most creative will be chosen for Premium Collection.

January is National Hobby month, and because of this, we want to see what your favorite hobbies are. Some of us prefer to stick it to the indoors, building models, playing games, or reading a good book to pass the time. Others might take part in their hobbies outdoors, tending to the garden or working on some home improvement projects. Many of the more adrenaline driven of you may have hobbies that are more active and adventurous. In this case surfing, rock climbing, or various other sports could all be what you consider your favorite hobby.
Whatever you consider to be your favorite hobby we want to see it. As always, remember to have a model release for all individuals in your images and avoid branding and logos. Good Luck and Happy Shooting!

Leisure Lifestyle
Inspirational Images

Messages posted by users

10 years ago - Congratulations @petardimitrov for winning this Snapwire challenge. Exciting and unique POV shot. Great Job!
10 years ago - this is my first nomination could some experience users tell me a bit about the length of reviews and advice?
10 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination! :)
10 years ago - Woot! Thanks for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! :)
10 years ago - I really appreciate the nomination snap wire thank you.
10 years ago - Thank you so much for the nomination!!
10 years ago - WooHooo!! Another Nomination!! Much Appreciated @Snapwire :-) There are some great shots here folks! #keepitup
10 years ago - Once again, thank you. Thank you very much (Elvis voice optional)
10 years ago - Thank you very much for the nomination 😊
10 years ago - Thank You, Snapwire, for nomination. :) It means a lot to me. With respect, Ponulis.
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! :D
10 years ago - The nominations are much appreciated!
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination! 🎊🎉
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination!!
10 years ago - Thanks for nominating my photo!
10 years ago - Thanks! Awesome!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!! It's my first!
10 years ago - Thank you for my first nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!!
10 years ago - Thanks!!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination!
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination :-)
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination .
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination.
10 years ago - Thanks for the nomination. I appreciate it.
10 years ago - Thank you for the nomination! Best/Helena
10 years ago - Hey @snapwire, I noticed all of the sample pictures include people. Do people have to be present in the photo for this challenge, or can the photo be of the hobby itself? Thank you!