Ruthio Hudson

  • Rootabella
  • London, United Kingdom
  • Shooter
  • 20pts

Creative Statement

would you like to know a secret?

I am generally crazy and that can get me into trouble, I get words mixed up- so when I try and sound super intelligent it does the opposite for me, I like most people but I tend to judge people I dont know, even if I have never spoken to them! I have many attributes and flaws but you have to get to know me to know about them- I would say I was funny, but I think that is to a minority! lol I find the world a hard place to live in, but I think I just about manage! I love chocolate and have contemplated many-a-time of how I would be able to build a house out of it in antartica. I want to visit every country at least once just to say I have been there in a conversation about 'where have you been abroad?'.
Dont' know if there is anymore I really need to write about myself, as I still would like to build a house out of chocolate, perhaps now with some accompanying side dishes of sweets and parhaps a balti...

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