TeeJay Vago

  • TeeJayvago
  • Grand Rapids, Michigan
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

I have been lost because of the pressure, empty desires and excessive need to acquire "perfect" American guy status.
Concealed in a shell that was molded
to get me by, as long as everyone else is happy.
Change is a part of growing, growing is a part of life
and you only get one before you know it, it will be gone.
So I need to be me.
Me, the person I want to be,Not the person you want to make of me
I'm done, I'm through, and I'm gonna stick with that
don't expect the old me to come back
I've made the choice to change me
If you would like to stay and see
you may or may not like who I will be
but the best part about that is...

I DON'T CARE either way because for once I will be me, just for me!

Dear my child,
When your mother and i found out we were having you i was scared. Then we heard your little heart bet for the first time i won't lie i cried. I felt you kick inside your mom and my world was almost complete, Now today we get to see you and i cant explain how i feel but that i love you without even seeing you. And now that I know you, I wouldn't change a thing, your perfect!
Love daddy

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