Ada Yarungsee

  • adayadreamcatcher
  • New York, New York
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

the love for BCBG MAXAZRIA:)
fashion, architecture, travel, gadgets, ads, stores, events, art, music, food, bars.♥ The adventure of life is to learn.

You Know You're a Third-Culture Kid When...

You can't answer the question: "Where are you from?"

You speak two (or more) languages but can't spell in
any of them.

You flew before you could walk.

You have a passport, but no driver's license.

You watch National Geographic specials and recognize

You have a time zone map next to your telephone.

Your life story uses the phrase "Then we went to..."
five times (or six, or seven times...).

You speak with authority on the quality of airline

National Geographic (OR THE TRAVEL CHANNEL) makes you

You read the international section before the comics.

You don't know where home is.

You sort your friends by continent.

Someone brings up the name of a team, and you get the
sport wrong.

You know there is no such thing as an international

You realize it really is a small world, after all.

You feel that multiple passports would be appropriate.

You watch a movie set in a foreign country, and you
know what the nationals are really saying into the

Rain on a tile patio - or a corrugated metal roof - is
one of the most wonderful sounds in the world.

You have a name in at least two different languages,
and it's not the same one.

You think VISA is a document stamped in your passport,
and not a plastic card you carry in your wallet.

You automatically take off your shoes as soon as you
get home.

Your dorm room/apartment/living room looks a little
like a museum with all the "exotic" things you have

Half of your phone calls are unintelligible to those
around you.

You know the geography of the rest of the world, but
you don't know the geography of your own country.

You have best friends in 5 different countries.

You're spoilt. You know it. You're VERY spoilt.

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