Miguel Valentin

  • cyberoptiq
  • Advanced
  • 262pts

Creative Statement

Got into photography as a hobby while serving in the US Navy ('78-'82) stationed overseas in Japan. In addition to which I have also visited the Philippines, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, Korea, Australia, Diego Garcia, and Masirah. Also have stateside photos I've taken over the years as well such as NYC, Florida, and New Jersey. Worked at a photography store in Manhattan, NYC between '89-'90 called PhotoExchange which was located on the corner of 20th St. and 5th Ave. and got to meet a few famous photographers back then. Got out of photography around 1989-90 when I decided a career in the Information Technology was more a more stable path for a secure future. Now since then I've slowly gotten the shutterbug bite and looking forward to taking some exceptionl photos once again. Hope you all enjoy my photos and my new adventures. If you have any special requests/needs feel free to let me know and I'll do my best. Thanks for visiting my page and stop by often!!

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