Beccky Krause-Holm

  • jaylijahsmommy
  • Norfolk, Virginia
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

PRO LIFE... If you want a choice choose to keep your pants on, use birth control and if you do become pregnant choose adoption. Abortion kills an innocent baby and is NOT as safe as the government and doctors say it is.
ANTI-RIC... Keep your little boys whole. There is NO scientific evidence that circumcision is "cleaner" or "healthier". If you cicumcise because of "religious reasons" get your facts.. In biblical times they did not cut off the whole foreskin. The just nicked the tip. Modern day circumcision was started to prevent boys from masturbating...and we all know how well that has been working. Let your boys decide for themselves if they want the most sensitive area of their bodies cut off... Aren't they perfect to begin with.
PRO MARRIAGE EQUALITY... You can't help that you were born the way that you were born. You fall in love with people that you would think that you could never love... Gays, Lesbians, straight, transgender, etc. No matter who you are you deserve EQUAL rights. Would you as a straight person want just a "civil union"? A civil union allows you a lot of what a marriage does, but not everything. A civil union does not allow you to medically consent as a marriage would, a civil union does not grant you the same inheiratance as a marriage would either. Just think.. not to long ago blacks and whites could not get married because it was an "abomination". Let people fall in love and marry whoever they want to get married to.

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