Megan Fortner

  • megscrafts
  • Spanaway, Washington
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

I'm learning to live/love life again. Bear with me! I'm creative, introverted, sometimes boring, a little bit crazy (aren't we all?), I like my sense of humor, though you may have to get to know me to really notice its existence, I'm shy and quiet most of the time, I love my friends and family but dislike "People" in general (society makes me sick most of the time), I like the smell of nailpolish and gasoline, I like broccoli and hate lima beans. I like music. I like being surprised. I like waking up on Saturday morning and going back to sleep. I talk to my animals. I *meow* at my animals. I enjoy puzzles, word games, sudoku. I love the sound of rain when all else is quiet. I *love* thunderstorms and will chase down lightning when it's close by. I love reading and writing. I love photography. I love people who are passionate about things. I like when people *get* me, or at least tolerate my oddities. I have a hard time saying no. I have an equally hard time saying yes. I'm a lover AND a fighter. I miss my Dad. I miss old friends. I will not forget or dismiss my past, and look forward to my future. If you want to know anything else, you're always welcome to ask. I am honest. I am curious. I am just Me, and that's the best I can be.

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