Ted Hemberger

  • photographsanfrancisco
  • San Francisco
  • Explorer
  • 0pts
  • Adventure
  • Aerial
  • Art
  • Beauty
  • Buildings
  • Urban
  • Street
  • Portraiture
  • People
  • Lifestyle

Creative Statement

Hey Snapwireians. My name is Ted Hemberger and I am now a SF local... born and bred on the east coast with a camcorder in my hand since I was 10 I started working the film industry... I realized once DSLR’s took over the film making market that I had a hidden treasure among all of my film equipment... lenses, tripods, and cameras to shoot photos with rather than Video! I kept making and still do create films and commercials to keep the rent paid and gas in the vehicle... but after leaving a tiny town in Maine and moving to NYC,SLC, and now SF I realized the value behind one photo rather than hundreds of frames that people have to sit and watch.. homeless photography became an instant hobby in the big cities. From there I went on to exploring abandoned buildings, rooftops, bridges, cranes, different countries, Ariel’s and the drone life, climbing up and into Anything that looked new and intriguing. Now it’s a hobby, but people keep telling me “Ted YOU NEED TO START SELLING YOUR PHOTOS” ... I have slapped the idea down for years. But now I want to share the emotion I feel when taking my photos and catching that one shot that makes the entire day and thousands of photos worth it... I hope you can find some type of enjoyment in what I find LIFE AND PEACE in.. my photography.

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