Wendi Cowne

  • wendicowne
  • Andrews, Texas
  • Explorer
  • 0pts

Creative Statement

stay-at-home-mom…i.e. chauffeur, head chef and kitchen manager, super-folder of the laundry and sheets (really, i am. does your fitted sheet look like a flat sheet? mine does.), washer of small school-age feeties, master cleaner and organizer, and vacuumer extraoordinaire. i'm awesome.
music of any genre or flavor. researching things that make me laugh. have you laughed today? riding horses (the snooty kind. you can keep your western and TN walkers, thank you.) star-gazing. watching my two nieces become such wonderful ladies. laughing at (and sometimes with) my hilarious daughter. listening to stories about my nephew who just can't stop talking. it's adorable…from 900+ miles away.

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